I haven't written a post in a while. Been having a whale (more like wail) of a time sorting out new packaging which has all been finalised! Phew. On the topic of packaging and design though, I would like to muse upon the issue of if a specific moisturiser is for men or, if it is for women.
FACT: Men have 25% thicker skin than women (not metaphorically).
FACT: Men’s skin have larger pores and more of them.
FACT: Men have more collagen.
FACT: Men produce more sebum.
FACT: Men need the same antioxidants, hydrating ingredients and essential fatty acids as women.
QUESTION: Why is men’s skincare sold differently to women?
ANSWER: Marketing.
Historically speaking, skincare brands have made skincare for women. The packaging and marketing was (and still is) targeted at women, unless of course it is a brand that is 'FOR MEN'. The packaging will never say ‘FOR WOMEN’ in the same way an apple at the supermarket does not have two sections of apples- one for men and one for women. But alas, if it’s grey, black and has a beefy, bold typeface- it is likely also to have ‘FOR MEN’ on the side of it. The short, long and truth is, men can use womens skincare and vice versa. The real difference is maybe in the frequency. The false difference is in the perception. Perception is indeed, everything (despite the truth).
Of course, there are brands with non gender specific targeting and perhaps confusing many people in the process. We may be one such brand. I have been ask a lot if our skincare is for men or women to which I say, it is for everyone. If it works for you, then use it, that’s the way I see it. I am not going to ostracise a gender simply because the packaging doesn’t suit their wardrobe. It’s a little, 20th century...
Design is interesting that way. How design and society influence how we see gender and appropriation. The irony is perhaps lost in the notion that a real man does not use skincare and if they do, it must be in black and in a bold typeface. I wouldn’t think a real man would care about the design of said skincare. Doesn’t a 'real man' understand the properties of said skincare and use it, regardless of what it looks like or what it is called? Of course, even the term, ‘real man’ is a notion ill conceived and often contextually, wrongly used.
People need good skincare, whatever gender you are or identify yourself as. Skin is the largest organ of your body. One should take care of it as much as we take care of what we eat and how we live. Forget who it’s marketed for and what the name is- use it because it’s good for you. If you are secure as a person, don’t let brands tell you who their product is for- you alone can decide that, and your skin will reward you for it...